Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fatty Patty

This has always been Laex's nick-name from his Dad, well, tonight he lived up to it.
This is what my child had to eat between the hours of 5 and 7 pm:
1/2 a Navajo Taco
1 banana
1 Swiss cake roll
1 package fruit snacks
1 go-gurt
1 slice of bread
1 sippy cup of milk
and a few M & M's

Seriously, what do you do when your 15-month-old is already eating like a 15-year-old?!?

How appropriate, here he is sportin a milk mustache!


Rebecca said...

And I thought my boys ate a lot!!

Maria said...

WOW!! You'd better start saving now for your grocery budget when he hits his teens! :)

Hf said...

C. and him are twins, man can that girl eat, way more than her brother!


but he is so flippin cute how could you deprive him of anything? ha ha

Kandice said...

hehe, I wish my kids would eat that much. My 3 kids combined don't eat that much in a day. They are SOO picky, I would rather them eat a ton any day. Good thing he has nice skinny parents and he could probably eat all he wants and not get too fat~!