Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yum, Yum...

I'm trying to introduce Laexin to solids, and now that I'm home all the time with him I have a lot more patience about it! So, in the past I have put a spoon full of rice cereal to his mouth and he screams and screams. I guess he doesn't like it! Yesterday I had a pleasent surprise, he actually kind of enjoyed the mess I made out of him! I think I got more cereal on his face than in his mouth but...he didn't scream!
P.S. - We LOVE our Bumbo - Thanks Mariah

Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's begining to look alot like Christmas!

During the last couple of weeks we've had the opportunity to introduce Laexin to all of the fun of the season. He had his first encounter with Santa (he wasn't exactly excited but he didn't cry either!) and we (I) couldn't help but take him out to play in the first big snowfall. He isn't a pro at snow angles just yet but I'm sure he will be someday!

As you can see, LeGrand got a little distracted building a snowman with some of the neighbors!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Today was officially my last day. last day of College, last day of commuting, last day of dropping Laexin off at the babysitter and last day at my wonderful internship with KSL "Studio 5". So...sounds pretty exciting right, I'm done with school and I made it to the end (I truly thought it would never come), no longer do I have to wake-up at the butt-crack of dawn to get myself ready and Laexin fed, changed, dressed and out the door by 6:30 am. Truth is...I don't really know how to feel. Sounds crazy, especially because I feel like I've been waiting for this day FOREVER.

Although I'm excited to be done I'm already feeling lost. First off, I really loved my internship and would love to take a job with KSL - great people - sometimes you just meet people who you click with and immediately love! (hopefully I'll still be able to be a part in some way) I also have been going a million miles a min. for as long as I can remember and now my main task is to be home taking care of my little man - Laexin. No, I'm not complaining. I am fully aware that there are tons of people out there who would die to be able to stay home with their children and Yes, I'm very grateful that I don't HAVE TO work. But, boy is this going to be an adjustment.

You know how it's so easy to live for the future. You look forward to things your whole life and then when they come...its kind of a let-down. As bittersweet as this is, I have learned one important life lesson...enjoy every minuet because it's over before you know it!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Angels Among US

This week hasn't been much different than most but, on Monday something happened that has really gotten me thinking...Just for a short background: Laexin was being babysat on Monday, while I was at school, when he somehow managed to wiggle himself out of his car seat. He fell from the car seat which was on the table to the floor. He is doing fine with nothing more than a pea sized bruise above his eye.

Here's where the inspiration came..I was talking to my parents on Tuesday night, telling my mom what happened and what a miracle it is that he didn't have any major problems. She said to me, "Something must have cushioned his fall" and in the background I hear my dad say, "Or Someone". - - This has been on my mind all week. Thank Heavens for a Father who is so in-tune and for a Heavenly Father who allows us to be blessed by the "Angles Among Us".

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

motivation behind it...

So, I've been inspired to start a blog. Not only because I feel like I'm soooo behind the times, and need an excuse to keep an account of my life experiences but mostly because I'm a Mom now. What a perfect time to start a new chapter! I must say, I'm pretty lucky to have two men in my life now!