Friday, December 7, 2007

Angels Among US

This week hasn't been much different than most but, on Monday something happened that has really gotten me thinking...Just for a short background: Laexin was being babysat on Monday, while I was at school, when he somehow managed to wiggle himself out of his car seat. He fell from the car seat which was on the table to the floor. He is doing fine with nothing more than a pea sized bruise above his eye.

Here's where the inspiration came..I was talking to my parents on Tuesday night, telling my mom what happened and what a miracle it is that he didn't have any major problems. She said to me, "Something must have cushioned his fall" and in the background I hear my dad say, "Or Someone". - - This has been on my mind all week. Thank Heavens for a Father who is so in-tune and for a Heavenly Father who allows us to be blessed by the "Angles Among Us".

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