Sunday, June 10, 2018

End of School 2017-2018

The end of school kinda creeped up on me this year - it was here so fast!
Lytzi had her last day of pre-school on May 24.  Her teacher spent the last day giving all of the kids a ride on the pony - she thought it was the BEST!  And she's so excited for Kindergarten that she was ready to head to the 'big kids school' the next day!

Laexin and Loa had their last day on May 31st.  They had a fun last week with a trip to a trampoline park for their AR reward, Field day - which I got to help with, and an awards assembly.  They are excited for summer!

Memorial Weekend

LeGrand was working in St. George and we had originally planned to head there for the long memorial day weekend but because of kids school programs and activities we weren't going to be able to stay longer than a couple of days and I decided that I really didn't want to take the drive just to stay a few days so we stayed home.
We went and visited the Chesterfield town site on memorial day.  We visited the old store for some treats, took a wagon ride, made yarn dolls, ate homemade bread, butter and jam, got prairie diamonds and made rope.

Couver gets a haircut

By the end of winter this Dog is a BIG 'OL fur ball that looks like he's working at some dred-locks !

 So I gave him a serious haircut --it was a major pain in the butt and took like 4 hours to get through all the matted hair - it looked like lambs wool under the top long part.  Now he's nice and ready for summer.

End of School Programs

It was a busy last couple of weeks of school - the older the kids get the more they have going on.  And to add to it, LeGrand was off working in St. George - it was a bit exhausting :)

Lytzi's little preschool class sangs some songs and put on a fun play, it was so cute and she soaked up the attention :)

The 5th grade did state reports with displays, Laexin's state was Illinois - he had fun sharing all about our trip to Chicago and Nauvoo

They also had a play that they put on once for the schools and again for the parents. They did their own twist on the Prince and the Popper (Laexin was the Narrator), it turned out cute and they all did a great job of memorizing their parts.

A broken leg

About a week after we were home from our trip we had our first Trampoline injury and second broken bone in the family.  The kids were all jumping on the tramp and Laexin had a hold of both of Linq's hands jumping with him and isn't really sure what happened but he carried him in from the tramp crying and we couldn't get him to settle down.  I tried and tried to get him to stand up and walk and he refused to put any weight on his leg, that's when we decided that he probably had a serious injury.  LeGrand had school-work to do and had been working long hours on the pipe so he stayed home with Loa and Laex and Lytz wanted to come with me to the hospital.  We were blessed to have our favorite PA Brett Smith on call and after an x-ray determined that he did in fact have a fracture in his Tibia right below his knee. ugh! Poor guy!

For the first week he couldn't put any weight on it while it was just in a splint.  It was rough!  Trying to get him to the bathroom, get his pants down and help him go without standing him on that foot was a challenge.  That first week felt like it would never end!  He was a pretty good sport, and loved watching lots of TV.

Just a day or two before we were headed for the hard cast I looked outside and he had pulled himself up to standing in the back yard --he hated being slowed down by that dang leg.

We finally got to get a hard cast on and he was adamant that it be Pink (I think he's hung out with his sister a little too much)!  So we added in some black and he was thrilled.  Luckily we were able to get a waterproof cast and his doctor said that he would be fine putting weight on it.  It didn't take him long - only about a week before he had figured out how to walk on it.  For the first few days he scooted himself around and now he's back to being pretty independent.

This broken leg brings him lots of attention everywhere we go.  And he's got really good at telling people it's 'mine bowken yeg', or 'I bowk mine yeg'