Thursday, February 14, 2008

Week of Love...

This week Laexin and I have been doing special things each day for LeGrand.

Monday: Homemade Valentines

Laexin was thinking the paint was looking pretty tastey!

LeGrand was at school late so we smothered the front door with our creations!

Tuesday: Heart shaped pizza and cookies

(I didn't get a picture of the pizza, but it sure was yummy!)

Laexin will enjoy this a bit more when he gets older...but he did get to taste the frosting!

Wednesday: Balloons and chocolate

LeGrand and I were asked to be the "example couple" for the YM/YW etiquette dinner. After the meal I had our "waitress" deliver this to the table! There are two things LeGrand could live on, Chocolate (especially chocolate covered peanuts) and Ice Cream...he was very excited. And, Laexin loves the balloons!

...stay tuned for the rest of the week!


Maria said...

What great ideas! I'll bet LeGrand is LOVING this week.

Kandice said...

You are still so creative, talented, thoughtful, and crafty as you were when we were growing up. Your mom taught you well. Your husband, Kids and all around you are very lucky! Just the other day I was telling G.J. about the egg made of sugar that your mom made for my birthday when I was in like 2nd grade. That was the best! (do you remember that??)

Danielle Hacking said...

Hope you guys had a fun Valentines and weekend, I apologize for not coming down to visit, Nikki's little guy wasn't feeling the best, and didn't want to spread germs to your sweet boy. Do you guys have plans for this weekend? Maybe we could get some pizza's and play some games or something. Hope all is well!
Love, Dani