Sunday, September 17, 2017

Hail & Hummingbirds & Martin Harris

The kids love any chance to play in the rain, well this day it was hailing pretty good and they begged to go out...they got all prepared with buckets on their heads!

We have two hummingbird feeders and a fun little flock of hummingbirds that frequent for every meal.  There are around 10 birds, we have loved watching them and listening to them through the open windows.  This particular day Laexin was returning the feeders to their hangers after we refilled the food and the birds just couldn't wait to their fill - he was so excited to have the birds landing all over him.

We had a fun time attending the Martin Harris pageant - it was a bit windy when we arrived and we were afraid a storm was coming, but luckily it blew over and we were able too enjoy the pageant -the kids really liked it.

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