Thursday, October 27, 2011


Grammie & Papa came to visit and they brought the kids the surprise of their lives - a PUPPY!  They said since we now live 'in the country' we need a dog :)

Neither LeGrand nor I are really pet people, though we both grew up with pets.  So it was a  s t r e t c h  to allow the kids to get a puppy, luckily he's an outside dog and Laex knows if he doesn't take care of him, we'll have to give him away.

He's a Kelpie, Red Heeler mix, and Laex named him Patches.  He's already Laex's BEST BUDDY - I even catch him saying, 'come on patches, come here buddy' - so cute!  He's been running the dog like crazy and hauling him around in his Gator and carrying him like a baby, the puppy LOVES him!  Hopefully it will stay that way!

{apparently dog houses are for kids too!}

1 comment:

Cara said...

Aww, fun!What a nice mommy you are! ;)