Wednesday, January 11, 2012

These Two!

I sure love these kids!
Lately they have really started playing together and it is so great! They love each other and for the most part get along great (until big bro. starts getting too rowdy).  It's fun to see & hear them as they play, sissy pretty much will do anything Laexin says, and he loves being the boss!

Loa is chatting more and more - she says: dad, mommy, snack (sounds more like 'nak'), treat, ball, barbie, walk, drink (sounds like 'ink'), help, toy, bath, Jesus, nite nite, poop, juice (sounds like 'uice'), toast, water (sounds like 'wa'), up, please...
Her little personality has really started showing, she grabs her butt and pats it and tells me, "poop, poop, poop" - she tries to copy everything Laex does, he was dancing in the living room last night and she was copying everything he did!  She loves to give kisses and whenever we say 'time to go nite nite' she starts blowing kisses to everyone.  The other day she was pretending her doll was going 'nite nite' and she was blowing kisses to her :)  She is stubborn {like her dad ;) } and likes things 'her' way.  When she's hungry, she needs food-NOW {like her mom ;)} Once in awhile she has to spend time in her bedroom because the screaming is too much :) --usually doesn't take her too long to settle down.  She is warming up to nursery.  She had a much harder time going than Laex.  Nursery is upstairs in our building and as soon as we would hit the stairs to head up she would start crying - then one Sunday she did great until we got to Nursery, I put her down and she went straight to the Nursery leader, looked up at her, and started sobbing - I just had to leave, it broke my heart!  But thanks to me being 'tough' for a few weeks, she's starting to like it --it helps that her brother always talks up the fact that she gets to play and have snacks! :)  Two nights ago, dad had her say the prayer, it was so sweet, she either said or tried to say everything he said!  It never fails that we sit down to eat and the first thing she does is grab a bite, then fold her arms for the prayer :)!
Can't believe her 2nd birthday is right around the corner!!

Laex is such a ham!  He can talk longer on the phone than most adults, and has started 'sneaking' my phone to play games on --the good thing, he can't for the life of him tell a good lie :)  he either tries to lie and it's very obvious he is, or he just tells the truth!  He's such a smart kid.  He loves school - his teacher sent home a paper telling the parents that they were going to start working on writing their names, and to practice at home with the kids --well, he already knows how to write his name :)  He loves to tell & show us all of the things he learns when he goes to school.  He got a United States floor puzzle for Christmas - it has all of the states shaped like they are, he puts it together at least once a day and can name several of the states!
Last weekend we were in Logan and he and LeGrand went in Best Buy and LeGrand said he wanted to go straight to the phones, and kept calling them 'smart phones' - we can't figure out where he learned that other than through commercials on TV --then this morning he was showing me something on my phone and asking me why it did that, I said, "I don't know" and he said, "I guess that's just what I Phones do" --I asked him how he knew it was an I Phone (neither LeGrand or I have ever called it that), he said, "Cause if it has an apple on the back it means it's an I Phone" --too SMART!  He picks up on everything and doesn't forget a thing.
He got a CTR ring at church and told me that he has to wear it every day because when he is going to make a wrong choice then he can look at it and remember to make a good choice. 
He is recently way into video games and would spend his whole life playing if I let him - he teaches us how to play :)  He also loves to be outside, he pretty much goes and does whatever he wants, he loves exploring and comes in and tells us all the stuff he finds.  He always has Patchy side-kickin along :)
He is so loving - he always says how much he loves Patchy & sissy and he constantly tells LeGrand and I that he loves us!

Couldn't be prouder of these two!


shylo said...

So great to keep intouch on the kids, Being so far from family it is great to see them growing so big. And so cute. We love and miss you all.

Sarah said...

Kiddos are the BEST and yours are even better than that. :) You are such a good mama and I wish we could get together more often but glas I can keep up through your blog.

Mandi said...

Okay so I got your message you left at my house (about two weeks after the fact) I never listen to the messages I just look at the caller ID and if it is a number i know then I call them back. So sorry, anyway I tried calling you back but you never answered I am wondering if I wrote the number down wrong. call me when you get a min. We will be out of town all weekend but we will be back MOnday!!