Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cub Scouts

LeGrand is the mighty Cub Scout Master! He's perfect for the job! Last week was Pinewood Derby and Laex and I tagged along --as expected, Laex had a great time and pretty much thought he was one of the boys!


Brett and Diane said...

I love that track. It looks really neat! Brett was the cubmaster in our old ward for a few years and I was the assistant. It's quit the job. The derby is so much fun!

Jessica and Reece said...

Ok, I am so glad I found your blog. I cannot believe how big your little man is! Weren't you just pregnant??? I swear, time goes too fast.

Princess said...

hi liberti:)
It's princess. found your blog through diane R's.
i just added you to my blog list and now i can stalk you guy! hehe.
hope all is well :)