Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This handsome little man remembers everything!

US: Driving in the car to the store.
Laex: "mama, going home?"
Me: "No buddy, we're going to Target."
Laex: getting excited, "Nice lady, stiter (sticker)!"
*NOTE* - He's only received a sticker from the nice lady at Target ONCE and it was a couple of weeks ago.

US: Packing for our trip (YAHOO!)
Me: "Laex, come help me get the bags packed for our trip."
Laex: REALLY EXCITED, "Ride Airplane, up in sky!"
*NOTE* He's never been on a plane, he just knows that we're going on a plane and made the connection with the planes that fly over the house.

I'm still trying to figure out how this kid is so smart!

On another note: You can see me once again on KSL's STUDIO 5 ( YAY! ) - Mark the date: July 29th, 11:00 a.m.!!

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