As we were abruptly awaken at 2:00 am by the very unpleasant screechy chirp of a fire alarm going dead (why does it always seem that it starts going dead in the middle of night?)
I couldn't help but think of the many warnings we encounter throughout life. Sometimes they're pleasant, sometimes they aren't, sometimes we heed them, sometimes we don't. Most of the time they are used for very important reasons, like to keep us safe. Here are a few everyday warnings I thought of at 2:00 am:
The fire Alarm. It was 1st on my mind, obviously. Lifesaver.
Car maintenance light or Gas gage. I'll admit, I'm the worst at checking the gas level, it's just not something I think about. As a first time mom with a sleeping baby in the backseat, I was oblivious to the gas level and found myself on the freeway with a chugging car - frightening - somehow, I made it to the next exit which just happened to have not one but TWO gas stations right there. Blessed.
Stove light, timer alarm. I love to cook but I can
guarantee without the timer alarm, most dinners would be burnt to a crisp. And, as insignificant as that little red light seems, it warns that the stove top is still hot. Hazard for potential danger.
Caution label on household cleaners. Safety.
The last warning is for me.As I'm plagued with migraines which have become worse lately (not in intensity, but in frequency) I know that I'm blessed. Each headache is preceded by "blind spots" which I have a Love/Hate relationship with. I Love that this warning lets me know what I'm about to be dealing with and gives me time to take medication. I Hate to experience the "blind spots" because then I know what I'm in for. I can't help but think that this is Heavenly Father's way of "giving me a break" from this ailment.
How many times in life does He "give us a break" through warnings.
I can think of a few: Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, Commandments, Preparedness.
If only we would heed them as quickly as the unpleasant chirp of the fire alarm, why don't we?