Sunday, August 5, 2018

Electronic Free summer

At the beginning of the summer I made a deal with the kids that if they would do all of their morning chores they could earn 10 min. of Electronics for each morning they completed them without asking.  Laex was really good about doing his stuff and earned it nearly everyday.  The girls on the other hand....hahaha.  The deal was that once or twice a week they would be able to 'cash in' their earned time and play.  Well Laex came up with his own deal, that if he earned 20 days he wanted to have a movie night with just him and dad and be able to pick his own treats...of course!  So we ended up having only one or two days the entire summer that the girls played their time (they didn't earn that much) and the best part was, they completely forgot about electronics - it was awesome!  I didn't have to hear whining or begging about it and they spent lots of time exploring or making up games and activities.  This day I looked out to see that they had built forts in the backyard!

And Laex ended up cashing in his 20 stars for a night at the drive in with Dad - he was thrilled!

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