Sunday, February 11, 2018

Starting the year with a 'Bonk'

On January 2nd we were hosting the Missionaries for dinner, had just got done eating and were chatting in the kitchen when Linq starts crying and the girls start screaming from the living room.  He had been running around, tripped and hit his head just right on the corner of the TV stand and split it right open.  The Elders quickly left, Laura came to the rescue and LeGrand and I headed to the hospital with Linq.  We had just changed our insurance to a higher deductible and it started on the 1st, ugh.  We didn't really want to have to take him to the ER, we knew he just needed stitches.  So LeGrand called our awesome PA in town (Brett Smith) just to see if he did stitches, just by chance he and a nurse were still at the office doing paperwork and said to come on by.  He was so great and got Linq all stitched up, and saved us a bunch of money :)  Through it all Linq was a trooper, even smiling for the nurse!

He got his stitches out about 5 days later and is healing up perfectly, he'll probably always have a decent scar.

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