Saturday, April 2, 2016

Stinky has Surgery

From about a week old LeGrand and I were concerned about Linq's circumcision, the doctor who did it in Washington left what appeared to be WAY too much skin.  Our pediatrician in WA kept telling us just to keep the skin pulled down and he would grow into it.  When we got to Idaho and finally got insurances switched and holidays over with we took him to our pediatrician here who had the same concerns we did, there was too much skin and it was unlikely he would 'grow into' it.  So we had to see a urologist who also confirmed that he would need a circumcision revision.  If we would have done it before he got too old it would've been fairly easy, but because he was now 7 months old he had to be put under and have an inpatient surgery done.
We had to be at Portnuef Medical Center in Poky at 6 am so it made for an early morning for us.  Everything went perfectly and healed well and we are grateful to have it all finished :)

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