Sunday, September 20, 2015

8 is GREAT!

Laexin hit his first 'Big' milestone with his 8th Birthday on the July 31st!  He's such a Stud :)  I really love this boy and although he is sometimes too big for his britches, he is more often such a good kid.  He is taking on the role of older brother to all these siblings so well, he's a good helper.  He loves sports especially Soccer & Basketball and seems to be good at everything he does.  Recently we had a ward party where they played ultimate frisbee which he had never played before and he 'killed it' in LeGrand's words, he was throwing the frisbee and playing like he'd done it a thousand times!  He has a special bond with Loa and although it frustrates me at times to see him 'enable' her when she's supposed to be in trouble, I am grateful that they have each other and I hope that he'll always watch out for her.  He loves all of his siblings and is extra proud of his baby brother.  Laexin is friends with everyone and I often have people tell me that he has swarms of kids around him at school.

As a preparation for turning 8, Laexin took all of the gospel discussions from the Missionaries - he was more than ready to be baptized!  I was so impressed with his knowledge of the gospel and understanding of the principles.  I'm so proud to be this kid's mom!

Laexin chose to eat breakfast out for his birthday meal :)

Laexin was lucky enough to have both sets of Grandparents at his baptism, unfortunately Oma and Opa were MIA for the photo session!  He was baptized at 9:00 am on Saturday August 1st.

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