Sunday, September 28, 2014

Busy Body

Wow!  This little lady!  She started walking at 10 months, by 12 months she was running & now she's climbing on everything!

I often catch her just chillin on the couch, it's too cute :)  It only took her falling off a couple of times before she learned how to get off the right way!

As do most kids she struggles to make it through sacrament meeting, it so hard for me to keep her contained for that long and by the time the closing prayer is said she is headed straight for the door, it's quite comical!  On the Sunday's that LeGrand isn't at church it often feels more like work than 'a day of rest' but it's worth it, I think :)  Someone should totally come up with a pre-nursery class for kids from 12 months-18 months!

At a year old she weighed 22 lbs & was 30 1/4 inches long with a head circumference of 18.5 (we know how to grow brains!)

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