Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes!

I know I've mentioned this before but these two LOVE each other!

Laexin takes his role as 'Big Brother' really seriously and is always helping, watching out for, and taking care of his little sister - it makes me so proud!  Even at his T-ball practice in front of all his buddies he let his sister join in & was so proud to brag about his 'sissy'! 
The other day I looked out to find this scene:

Laex teaching his Sis how to DRIVE the gator (while hauling her bike, ha ha)! Good thing there's plenty of open space & not much to run into ;)
I'm so happy they are such good friends!

They are both growing up, and I'm realizing that time does go faster when they get older and busier! 

Anyway, lately they've booth been saying some things that I just don't want to forget --
Loa is drama, with a capital 'D'!  Man, some days I really think she is going to 'drive me to drink'--she will throw an hour fit over the fact that she didn't get to pick out her own spoon for breakfast.  And let me tell you, if she doesn't get her sleep or fed just when she needs it, she is TWICE the drama (ummm, it's possible she gets this from me ;) I just keep telling myself that she's getting it all out now so she'll be an 'angel teenager' :)
One day I had locked myself in the bathroom ;) and she kept banging on the door saying, 'mommy open, mommy open' of course I was ignoring her.  Finally, I guess she had had it, she mustered up the meanest voice she could and very sternly shouted, "Naughty"! --I tried so hard not to laugh :)
Then on a different occasion she wanted me to put her socks on, I was rushing around trying to get everything we needed to leave the house therefor I wasn't able to put her socks on 'right now', after following me around for a bit she said, "Mommy, Trouble Maker"!

Laex is a quick learner & remembers everything, sometimes I really appreciate this as was the case today!
I asked him to get dressed and he was supposed to put on a polo type shirt that had three buttons at the top --he wanted me to undo the buttons for him to get the shirt over his head, I refused - first, because I know he can do it because he's done it before, next, because he needs to know that I'm not going to do everything for him :)  So, he got frustrated, went in his bedroom & shut the door.  I told him when he had gotten his shirt on he could come out.  It only took a couple of minutes before he came out with his shirt on.  I said, "Good job buddy, I knew you could do it!", he responded with, "you wanna know why I could do it?", I said, "why?" He said, "Cause I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me, then I was able to do it!"  I said, "I'm so glad you thought to pray!" He said, "Yep, cause that's what they taught us in Primary."

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