Sunday, May 6, 2012

22 and counting...

While LeGrand's job is mostly the same here in Idaho as it was in Utah, there are a few things that are different. 
One of those being "repair the pipe" season!  Every spring they spend weeks repairing the old, OLD pipe. --the one that shoots water like a sprinkler-- the pipe is made of wood, they first drain the pipe then take a walk (inside) of the whole thing (a couple of miles long) and mark the spots where they see sunlight, then they start working on the repairs, they hire about 10 temp workers in addition to the  the 6-8 of them & a crew of contractors.  A few workers are inside the pipe while the rest are on the outside, they chainsaw out the sections that are ruined and replace with new wood.  They've been doing this same thing for decades --it would make much more sense for the company to take sections of the pipe each year and replace with metal (which they've done with about half of the total pipe) BUT, the company won't.

As a result, today marks LeGrands 22nd day of working 10-12 hr. days without a day off!  Luckily for me, the kids & LeGrand, we only have 3 days to go, yehaw!  We are ALL ready for a break!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Liberty--I just found your did I not have this address before?!
SO cute, and is your baby seriously TWO?? My, that went quickly.
Hope things are well--I miss seeing you around.

Good luck finishing out that exhausting schedule--geesh! They don't show any mercy, do they?