He's always been a climber, and a dare-devil with no fear, but lately he's been getting into some close calls like the other day when he climbed over the back of the couch and fell head first on the tile, or this weekend when he was in his room trying to climb on the dresser (of all things -Seriously!) - we heard a crash went running and found the dresser tipped forward, held up only by all four open drawers --so lucky he wasn't stuck under there, he was at the door way saying, "bonk, bonk" - um, yep --BIG BONK!
He also has become too smart for his britches (as if he wasn't before) and repeats everything, and I mean EVERY.THING. we say -- isn't he too young for this?! He says so many thing. But, I dropped something a while back and said, "Dang-it" (thank heavens I didn't say something worse) now he is constantly saying, "Dane-dit" - GREAT! Really, I try not to laugh cause it's too cute. He is already so good at pronunciation - I hope he keeps it up. He says some things so perfectly like, "Trash", "Nut", "Cheese", "More"...etc.
This kid is the best!
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