Monday, May 19, 2008

Finishing the good-byes! Goodbye Neighbors and Home!

So this ones combine!

We already miss you neighbors, don't get me wrong our new neighborhood is awesome and we love having our own space. After 5 1/2 years of living so close to people I really gained a sense of security that I wasn't too hype about leaving. Not to mention whenever I needed anything there were people just steps away who could help and they did, a cup of sugar, help with a blessing, watch the kid in an emergency thanks for everything! We miss you! We really made some GREAT friends in the condo.

HOME: - Ya know, home is where you make it! I was attached to that place pretty good. It's where many a dinner/bbq's were spent with friends, we hosted the family there more times than we can count, hauled groceries up 5 flights of stairs once a week, and it's where we brought home our first bundle of joy! So many memories. It was officially our first place and we put lots of sweat equity into making it our truly was our own (and we've already learned from our great neighbors there that the new people have re-painted the WHOLE thing, kinda depressing when I think about all that work - oh well they had to make it their own, right?) If walls could talk, those wall would have so much to say - never a dull moment. I miss you!

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