Thursday, July 14, 2022

Welcome to March

LeGrand made a big deal this particular morning because Loa was the first one down for breakfast --it's pretty well known at our place that Loa is generally pulling up the rear -she just gets distracted and forgets what she's supposed to be doing - ha ha!

The last couple of months of school I'm pretty sure that Linq was eating his glue sticks - about every other week I would get a text that he needed more.

Early in the year I had decided to try and fit in a couple more shows, it was an really an experiment to see if I could find any more that I like and also to add to what I was already doing.  I worked my butt off and did a show in Farmington which turned out to be a total bust - it's hard to put so much time and energy into something and then have it feel like a waste.  In the end, I am grateful for what I learned - one of which was a new display, and I'm glad to know I won't have to try that show again!

For St. Pattys day we had green waffles and green milk

And of course my holiday tree got a rainbow and clover theme

The most spoiled member of this household...but how can you not just love her!


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