Sunday, July 24, 2016

moving AGAIN....

And then came move #4, seriously, FOUR moves in a little over a year is for the BIRDS! I wouldn't recommend it :) At this point I'm so sick of packing, unpacking, loading, cleaning, carrying boxes, organizing, and trying to re-adjust --and I'm sure the kids are sick of it too. Luckily for us this move was a little different, it was still a move and we had a few days of no fun but the kids were SO excited to get back into our 'new', old place.  The minute we got the word that the people were out we ventured over to the house and the kids couldn't get enough :)

 Playing on 'their' tire and rope swing - they were so happy that the people hadn't taken these down!

This is how they help pack

Thanks to my Dad for coming to help out, we were able to get lots of projects accomplished.  We moved the electrical outlets in the kitchen so that we could re-arrange where the fridge and stove went. We were also able to finish the kitchen floor - the people had started to put in a new floor but hadn't finished it before they left.

A couple of days after we got moved in I walked in to find Lytzi like this...I think she was exhausted from all of the excitement.

And in the midst of all of the moving Linqy was acting extra whiny one morning and next thing I knew he was puking all over, ugh!

It feels good to be 'home' - I'm full of lots of emotions, this isn't a house I ever imagined we would be back in but after the whirlwind of a year we've had I'm feeling extra sentimental and 'attached' to this place.  It's a house that isn't perfect in so many ways, and is perfect in others. We don't know how long we will be in this place...our ultimate goal is to find some land and build a home.  But, I'm much more content here than I ever was before and I know that I can live here for many years if that's what it takes and I'm happy to do it!

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