Sunday, April 13, 2014

8 month Lytzi

This little girl is PURE JOY.  I know she was sent to our family at the perfect time.  I almost forget she's around sometimes, she's just so easy.  3 kids makes things hectic and I haven't been very good at keeping up with all of her 'stages'!
She has gotten the army crawl down, once in a while she will 'regular crawl' but it is only 3 or 4 crawls then she goes back to doing what she knows best, army crawl :) 
In the past couple of days she has been pulling herself up on everything, she's constantly standing at the couch and pulling everything off or bugging the kids while they watch movies.  She pulls herself to standing on the kitchen chairs, dish washer etc.  Yesterday, I went in to get her after her nap and she was standing, hanging on to the crib rail just a cheesing it! 
She's so busy that if I put her to sit on the floor she never lasts more than a second before she takes off.  She's constantly on the move and loves to be exploring everything.  At church it's a constant wrestle :)
She still has yet to get any teeth but all of the kids have been late teethers so I'm not surprised.  She did have her first 'real' flu last week and it was no fun, she had a low grade fever for 3 days and she didn't sleep well and was so sad, it was rough especially for my normally happy girl. 
She loves to eat, everything.  Of course she had her first taste of ice cream at like 3 months, nothing new for our house :) She especially loves to eat whatever we are eating, she's awesome at picking up food and feeding herself.  She eats anything and everything and lots of it, she's now in 12 month clothing and is going to make me broke if she keeps eating like she is :)
The kids love the crap out of her, a bit too much love sometimes :).  They are starting to have more fun with her now that she's on the move and they can play with her.  They love to make her laugh by tickling her. I love that they all love each other so much!

1 comment:

Cara said...

She is a little doll!