Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feelin' the LOVE!

We celebrate Love EVERYDAY at our house :)  But, of course I love an excuse to do something special!  The Friday evening before Valentines LeGrand and I FINALLY made a trip to the Temple --it's kind of a big deal to drive an hour to the temple, it takes a bit more planning!  Before we moved to Idaho we were fairly good about attending the Temple once a month, now I understand what a blessing that was to have so many temples so close!  We had a fun night out together, the temple, dinner & dessert then headed back home!
I helped Laex make these valentines for his Pre-School!

For Valentines dinner we had heart shaped pizza's that we made, yummy pink smoothies & delicious layered dessert!  The kids were in heaven & LeGrand and I laughed at the change our Valentines dinners have taken over the years :)

LeGrand always spoils me!  He came carrying in this jewelry box, I thanked him & kissed him and Laex said, "Dad, did you go to Kay Jewelers?" LeGrand didn't skip a beat, he said, "Nope, I went to Jared!" - I was trying so hard not to laugh, I think these two watch too much TV :)  Lucky for me, he actually didn't go to either!!!  He was very thoughtful and got me this customized necklace which he ordered off Etsy {I'm so proud that's he shops on Etsy!}  I love, Love, LOVE thoughtful gifts, especially if they are handmade!

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