And, our little guy is now 11 months old - I hardly can believe that he is growing so fast. Last year at this time I was 8 months pregnant working and trying to finish college - WOW! Here are a few of his new things:
*Attitude - that personality is showing through everyday! He is very curious and mischievious, lets hope he uses it to his advantage when he gets older.
*He loves to walk around the house carrying anything and everything - he has recently learned how to climb onto the couch, but he thinks he can just walk right off - pretty much he gives me a heart attack everyday!
*He is very social and has a contagious smile. He flirts with all the girls everywhere we go and we always get comments on how friendly he is.
*He's getting smarter by the day. He can follow simple commands like "go get your blankie" and he knows where your Nose is - he hasn't quite figured out his own Nose.
*He LOVES to be outside - if we even get close to the door he gets so excited, and he is addicted to otter-pops, thanks to his dad!
We love you buddy!