I so appreciate the times when I can see the Lord's hand working in the details of my life. I appreciate even more that I can recognize these moments and become better through them. I had one of these experiences today, and I never want to forget it.
Laex and I were on our way home from the grocery store when I hit a pot-hole and just happened to flatten my tire. The road we were on runs parallel to jogging trail. I was initially a little shook up - going through my head how I was going to change this dang tire (I was also a bit T-O'd). There was a gentleman running who stopped and suggested that I drive slowly to the little park up the road (less than a mile away) because it would be easier to change the tire there. After what seemed FOR.EVER. I made it to the parking lot of the park and pulled in next to a car with an older Man and his two puggs. Much to my dissapointment the gentleman who was running, just continued to run right by. Although he wasn't much help, I quickly realized that the lord had worked through him to give me the advice I recived. The Older Man in the car immediately jumped out and offered to help, Iwas so grateful. We got the "donut" out along with all of the tools and proceeded to jack up the car and remove the lug nuts, just to discover that one of the lug nuts was a different size --this posed a BIG problem because the tools in the car are made specifically for the car - and if we couldn't get this lung nut off, we wouldn't be able to change the tire. The older man decided to check the tools from his car just to see if "by chance" his wrench fit that one odd lug nut. Once more I saw the Lord working, his wrench just happened to fit. He finished up the job for me and I Thanked and Thanked him for his help and voiced how lucky I was that he was at this place at this time to help me, his reply is something I'll never forget. He said, "We were both lucky, I don't even know why I came here today."
I know why he was there, and I know more than ever that Heavenly Father worked through two strangers to make my day!