Sunday, October 25, 2015

Linq at 3 months!

We really love this little guy.  He is the BEST baby!  I always say I think Heavenly Father knew that by number four he had to send me the best and he sure did - people always make comments about what a good easy-going baby he is.  On the Sunday's LeGrand is working I have lots of people offer to help me out at church, he can go to anyone and never make a peep.  Things have been crazy busy trying to get our house sold and packed up and often times I'll lay him on the bed and run around doing things and come back in and find him fast asleep.

He's growing too fast. Wears 3-6 month clothes, loves to eat and has recently found his hands.  I love watching him just examine them.  His other favorite thing is to blow spit bubbles. He's rolled over a couple of times from his tummy to his back.  He loves to 'talk' to us and gives us lots of big smiles --we've even gotten him to giggle a couple of times.  He doesn't like his but to be dirty - that's one of the only times his gets fussy, when his diaper is full, or if he's hungry & sometimes when he's tired.

The kids just love him to death - Laexin has become a great helper with him.  Now that he's a bit bigger Laex is really good at helping me feed him or hold him if he's fussy.  Loa likes to play with him and Lytzi just smothers the crap out of him.

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