Monday, October 19, 2015

A little catch-up

I was going through pictures and realized I missed some things in the last few months --so here's a mod podge of random happenings :)

Sometime in May LeGrand and Laex had a fun time at the Father and Sons campout -

And Loa and LeGrand had a date to Seussical the Musical

In June I turned a year older :)  LeGrand spoiled me with this fantastic looking cake (although, truth be told, it was much yummier looking than it tasted), I got visits and little goodies from several people in the ward and I scored a fun dinner in Portland with LeGrand! It was a good day!

In July Laex got to attend a week long cub camp - he had a blast!

Lytzi is our little dresser-uper, she loves to put on the princess dress ups and dance to music - this particular day, she was a super hero!

After a fairly dry summer - we've been told it got warmer faster and had less rain than normal summers here in the PNW - the kids got extra excited when the rain finally came and had a great time playing in it!

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