Sunday, September 10, 2017

Laex turns 10!

I'm still trying to figure out how this kid is double-digits!  His birthday landed on the start of Fair week and he just wanted to do something besides the fair so we called up a couple of friends and took them tubing down the pourtneuf river in lava, followed by pizza and ice cream - it was a good time!

 Laexin is our reader!  He loves any and all books and reads All.The.Time - I often have to 'ground' him from his books so he'll get his homework and chores done.  He also loves basketball and soccer and is naturally athletic.  He is kind and caring and always watching out for his siblings, especially Loa.  We couldn't have hand-picked a better 1st child or older brother for the kids...I hate how fast he's growing up, but we are proud of the good kid he is!

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