Sunday, January 8, 2017

November Happenings

November started out with  me getting my tonsils out, yuck!  It turned into a more than two week ordeal that was NO FUN. I knew from what the doctor had said that it would take at least two weeks to heal, he wanted be prepared to have help for two weeks because I wasn't supposed to lift anything, including kids.  Of course because of my high pain tolerance I thought for sure I would be back to good in no time --boy was I wrong, it was literally one of the worst things I've experienced.  For a whole week I could eat hardly anything but some cream soup, yogurt & pudding but mostly just popcicles because that's all that sounded good.  I had to be on my medicine to even be able to swallow but the medicine made me really drowsy and kinda out of it.  I spent about 10 days mostly just sitting in the recliner. Thank heavens LeGrand was off work for 10 days.  I didn't even feel a slight improvement in pain until after a week, it was really miserable.

When LeGrand went back to work my parents decided to come up for the weekend and help out - it was nice to give them a reason to come visit since its been almost a whole year since they've been up. While they were here they helped me get my Christmas decorations up - I don't usually like them up until after Thanksgiving but since they were here to help it was nice to get it done. Papa even took the kids on a walk to pick out their own trees so we got to have two mini live trees for them to decorate, they loved it!

We also went to dinner and I had my first real meal, it was rough to get it down but nice to eat some meat :)  of course the kids love to play on the video games.

And Laex had a couple of basketball games we watched

The same weekend my parents (Nov 18th & 19th) were here, LeGrands parents moved to town.  We're not really sure why they chose to move here except they've always lived by one of their other kids and I think his mom feels like she 'owes' it to us to live by us.  It will be different having them here, we aren't used to family so close but I'm sure the kids will love it.

For Thanksgiving LeGrand had to work, he was able to get off early and we went to Shylo's house in Ogden, we had a yummy meal then we stayed the night in a motel in Layton. On Friday the 25th we did a little shopping, met up with Kenz and Jed for lunch where we got to meet baby Dellah, we also shopped at city creek & checked out the candy windows downtown, they were fun.

On Saturday the 26th we got the Christmas lights put up on our house, yay!  It's a bit nerve wracking with a metal roof and LeGrand clowing around up there telling me how slick it is BUT we finished without incident and I'm making a new plan for next year :)

During November we had unusually warm weather and got lots of rain - we caught this awesome rainbow one day.

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