Sunday, September 11, 2016


The highlight of summer in Grace is the Caribou County Fair!  We had a busy, full week.  I helped in the pie booth with the youth.  The kids rode their bikes in the kids parade.

We saw some fun stage shows, including a reptile show where I got volunteered to hold this giant snake!

We had lots of yummy fair food.  We watched motocross & snowmachine grass races.  We checked out all of the fair entries, and visited all of the animals (more than once!).

We gathered lots of candy at the grand parade.  And topped the week off with trash car races --We left the younger three kids with a babysitter and Laex came with LeGrand and I for his B-day date, he had fun getting spoiled!

 Sunsets in Grace NEVER disappoint!

The kids also made a few bucks with their entries in the fair, Loa got one of the best themed awards and won and extra $5, she was pretty excited!

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