Sunday, September 27, 2015

Loa starts 'jump start' and other Shenanigans :)

 Kindergarten here in Vancouver is full day and they start all of the kindergarteners a few weeks before the first day of school to get them used to school - they only go about 3 hours a day and it helps the kids get ready for real school especially if they have any fears or anxiety.  Well, this lady was SO ready for school - and she thought it was pretty cool she got to start before Laexin :) 
 Grammie and Papa headed on the road (headed for a little trip down the coast) the same day Loa started Jump start (Monday August 3rd) and left the kids with these suckers - they call them their Papa suckers because he always brings them!

 This is what happens when you leave my creative Loa playing with perler beads - her and Laexin decided to make quite the mess and then they got to clean it up :)

 While Loa was at school the other kids and I would pass our time at the park, library and playing games at home! 
 Each day we would walk Loa to and from the school - often we would have to carry her scooter with us to pick her up so that she could ride it home along with Laexin who was usually on his :)

 Little Linq started showing off his smiles around month 1, and Lytzi can't help herself she always has her tiny little hands all over her brother :)

 We had a ward party at a park with this fun merry go round thing - of course 'Disneyland Dad' had to get in on the fun and spent most of his time pushing the kids around and around - they loved it!  Luckily he only lost children a couple of times and there were no major catastrophes :)  I did overhear some of the other parents warning their children not to get on - lol.  Apparently they though LeGrand's fun was too dangerous.

 Tubby time, wrapped up like a burrito then filled up with milk and he's out - this awesome little mister has been a great sleeper from the beginning --all of my kids have slept through the night by 6 weeks but this little guy has topped them all never sleeping less than 5 hours a night!

I couldn't resist another outing of berry picking.  There are SO many blackberries growing everywhere - they are really like weeds here so we took a Sunday afternoon, drove less than a mile from our house and picked our hearts out - I kept Lytzi in the car (because lets face it, it's easier to not have to chase her) and Loa and Laexin would bring her berries and she just ate and ate them and when she ran out she would yell for more :)  We brought our pickings home and made more blackberry freezer jam along with eating plenty of them!

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