More yummy Northwest berries :) The kids were pumped when our little raspberry patch started to produce! I would often catch them out 'raiding' the berries (especially Loa). One evening I had spent quiet some time picking all of the ripe berries and Loa sat down and ate the entire container and said, "Thanks Mom for picking me all of these berries" - ha ha. We also had several evenings we had to top our dinner off with ice cream & berries, yum!
The other thing we've had to learn to get used to here in the Northwest are the frogs, slugs & snails. It's so wet that we have plenty of these critters. The kids love to catch the frogs and this particular day Loa mauled the crap out of this little frog for at least an hour - I'm not sure there was much life left in him when we finally had to take him from her and let him go. She had swung him on the swings, jumped with him on the tramp and taken him for rides on her bike :]
We also had a wild rabbit problem when we first moved in - doesn't seem like wild rabbits would be that big of a deal until they are eating up your garden and lawn - so we put out a live trap and finally caught one, just to discover more within a couple of weeks. We finally found where they were getting in the yard and haven't seen anymore since.