Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pre-School & Pre-Mission!

The Tuesday after we arrived in Grace, Laex got to start preschool!  This is the first year he has gone to preschool, he LOVES it and has been so excited to make new friends here in Grace!
 {SO excited about the first day of preschool!}

{this would be his 'cheeser' he thinks he's smiling nice;)}

What a handsome dude!

He insists that he takes his scriptures to church every Sunday and recently informed me he needs a Scripture Case :)  He got this 'Missionary' tag in primary and told me very seriously & adamant that he "CAN NOT loose this or he won't be able to be a missionary" - we put it in a very safe place!  We only have to keep track of it for another 15 years :)

1 comment:

Cara said...

Aww, we sure miss him in Sunbeams!! Tell Laexin Sister Lockard and Gavin say "hi"!