Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One CRAZY week!

It was a WILD week & I'm just happy to have survived it successfully! :)
On Friday the 5th we learned we got a job transfer and LeGrand would start work in Grace on September 11th, on Saturday the 6th LeGrand headed to Alaska on a Fishing trip for the entire week! {If the trip hadn't been planned a year ago, and LeGrand hadn't been totally deserving I probably would've been doing a whole lot of complaining!}

So...I spent the week taking Laex to Swim Lessons, hosting Oma from New Hampshire {Luckily she is the all-time easiest house guest ever!}, going through the entire house prepping for a Saturday yard sale, beginning the packing as I went, pulling weeds and cleaning up the yard, getting the house ready, photo's taken and listing up, and chuck-e-cheese with the cousins...

I was EXTREMELY excited to pick up LeGrand from the airport late Saturday night {the kids and I stopped at Leatherbys for ice cream on our way--mmmMMMM}!

The Guys had a Fabulous time fishing, they brought home close to 400 lbs of Halibut & Salmon, I'm pumped to have a freezer full of fresh fish :)

Laex rocked his swim lessons, and loved every minute!

I'm happy to have the house well on it's way to being all packed up! {and I'm getting excited to decorate the new place ;)}

**Grace Idaho FUN FACT:  Population sign as we drove into town said Nine hundred-something {I'll get the exact number when we go up again!}, --I'm moving to a town with less than 1000 people--

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