Wednesday, April 23, 2008

migraine :(

I'm not looking for sympathy, this ones for me.

In about high school I experienced my first migraine, then when I started taking birth control before I got married I would get a migraine a week, I had to try several types of birth control before I found one that allowed me to only have a migraine about every 2 months, this was heaven compared to once a week. Then I got pregnant with Laex and the most wonderful thing happened, no migraine the whole 9 months, wahoo! Unfortunately they have re-surfaced and yesterday was one of those days. When I've told people I have migraines I've many many say, "oh yeah, I get those too...". Well, I'm not so sure that EVERYONE gets them the way I do, so I will explain a day in my life of migraines.

Yesterday it hit at about noon, blind spots, dizziness, blurred vision. This is my "sign" that the worst is yet to come. (Although I have to deal with this ailment I think that Heavenly Father has blessed my with the "sign" portion so that I can be stronger for the also makes me consider all of the different "sign's" he blesses us with, if we would all heed them as much as I heed this "sign" life would be much easier.)
I quickly ate a yogurt, to get something in my stomach before I take my powerful pills. From past experience I know that an empty stomach on these pills makes things much more miserable.
I took the pills. Thank Heavens it's Laexins nap time and that he didn't nap at his regular time today, what a blessing in disguise. He went down really well.
I hurry to the bedroom to try and fall asleep before the headache comes on. The blind spots last about 30-45 min. before the headache hits.
I'm able to fall asleep, relief...but not for long.
I'm awakened by the pain, today it's through my left side of my neck and behind my eye - it's rarely the same.
I secretly pray Laex will sleep extra long, but he soon wakes. The pain is nearly unbearable, the light, the noise, everything makes it worse, I feel like the pill didn't touch it and here comes the nausea.
I get Laex up, he plays while I lay...for hours, I'm in and out of the bathroom trying to puke whatever I can, this usually helps the pain a bit. I just want to die.
Laex is such a good boy, I can barely function to get him food and change his diaper but as long as I'm by him he isn't whining, he is really being such a good boy.
Only two more hours until LeGrand gets home...though it seems like forever.
Lay, puke, pain, pain, lay, pain...
Finally time for Laex's second nap, thanks for being so good and going down without a fight.
30 min., he's up.
LeGrand will be late tonight, I can take it, I just want someone to put me out of my misery, I want to go to the hospital.
The neighbors knock to bring some boxes, they offer to take guys are my lifesavers!
I rest, but not really, I can't get comfortable the pain isn't subsiding.
LeGrand finally gets home, 3 hours later than normal, the neighbor helps him give me a blessing.
I ask for coke - I've never tried this before but I hear it can help.
I take a long bath while my wonderful husband takes Laexin out of the house.
The coke, blessing they're helping, I'm finally feeling hungry. I haven't held anything down all day...LeGrand brings me dinner.
I rest, he takes care of Laex. Thanks Honey, I LOVE YOU!
Today, I have a hang over. I've never actually experienced a real one but I'm sure it is much like this, it'll take at least today to recover.
The good's over for a few more months.

I gave birth to Laexin naturally, by choice. I didn't have an epidural, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I would do that a million times over if i never had to deal with these migraines.


Kandice said...

Lib-I am so so so sorry you have those. Back when I was younger, I would watch my mom with hers, and secretly think she was a big wimp. It was not until these past few months that I have gotten 4, and they are so so so bad. I too gave birth naturally to Kayler, and I would almost do that over again too. At least its over in a couple our instead of having a headache so bad that you want to die for like 2 days or so. I have tried several meds, relpax, imitrex, etc. You will have to let me know what you take to make it go away. They are a curse, that is for sure. I don't get the blind spots, but my eyes can't focus, I puke, cry, sweat, then cold, and literally feel like I am going to die. I have heard that hormones and a trigger of stress are the 2 leading factors of migraines, so maybe with your vacation and moving (both huge things) your body just is stressed. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!

Danielle Hacking said...

I'm sorry to hear about your migraine. My dad and sis, Jacky, get them and they are layed up for days at a time. You are such a strong person, and such a great mom! I will pray for you, couln't hurt right?
Hope everything goes well with your big move, and graduating on Friday!
Love, Dani

Anonymous said...

Hey Lib,
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. It is so fun to see old friends and what is going on in there lives.
Sorry about the migraine. I get them really really bad during the my good old time of the month. You know:) The whole puke, cry, sweat, can't focus with my eyes, just want to die. I agree with you on the giving birth again instead. My two girls were both naturally. Anyway take care. Talk to you later! Britt

Mariah said...

Oh Lib, I'm so sorry! Next time CALL ME! I'll come and get Laex and you can rest. Seriously, you don't need to suffer alone :) That totally sucks, I really am sorry.

Maria said...

What an awful day! I am glad Laexin cooperated as much as he did. I hope today was better.

The McClellan Clan said...

I am so sorry!! Everything you said is exactly mine, infact my gut was twisting and my head was pounding when I read it all. When I went to costa rica, I got two of them. The second was the worst!!! my teeth hurt so bad too and I couldn't sleep cause it was insane. And we had to travel that day, so I had to keep a bag with me at the times to throw up in it was HORRIBLE!!! I hear ya girl, good luck with it!!!