Thursday, January 31, 2008

Over 20 lb's and nearly 29 inches!

Thoes were the result of our 6 month check-up! My kid is HUGE! 80th percentile in weight and off the charts in height! Look-out NBA!

Here are a few things about Laexin's first 6 months that are just plain amazing!

*In 6 months of life he gained 13 lb's and 8 inches
*He did all of this on a simple diet consisting mainly of breastmilk and formula
*Slight complications at birth landed him a day in ICU and 3 days in the Special Care unit, he struggled with jaundice, an ear infection, and mastitis (yes, I said mastitis - no, not me, him).
*He is now perfectly happy and healthy!
*He's traveled over a thousand miles in his carseat and...he still loves it!
*He has already outgrown that carseat
*He has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old (this makes me one happy mama!)
*He's stubborn
*He's social & loves people
*He gets bored easily
*He wears any thing from 9-18 month clothing and a size 2 baby shoe!
*He loves books and baths

Best of all, he's the joy of our lives, he has a smile and laugh that just make us melt! We love you buddy!


Maria said...

Wow! I knew he was bigger than McKay but... Wow! Can you believe it has been 6 months? Crazy how the time flies.

Kandice said...

What a special little guy you have. Next time you are in town give me a call. I would love to give him a little hug. My kids love babies too, they would keep him entertained for hours!

Hf said...

awe so cute m. was only 27 1/2. what car seat did you get?