Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Turn!

I've found that in life it is easy to look at others with their "lands and gold" and ponder on what I would do with a million dollars or when we're going to hit our "big break" well... it's our turn! LeGrand found out yesterday that he got a new JOB! - He took a risk and applied for a different Job in company (still with Rocky Mountain Power) - nothing to loose right! It just so happens that he got it! We are so excited to finally see our lives progressing. This isn't the direction either of us would have ever imagined, but this will bring many great opportunities and experiences - not to mention no more risk of being laid off and the cherry on top - a pay raise!

Needless to say - we had to celebrate! Last night we enjoyed all-you-can-eat CRAB at Maglebys - it couldn't have been a better meal as this is both of our Favorites! - Laexin enjoyed his binky and wondered what in the crap Mom and Dad were eating!


Mariah said...

That is so great! I'm so happy for you. I know exactly what you mean when you ask yourself 'when is it my turn?' YAY for you guys, it looks like we better plan another Wick-A weekend to celebrate!

Maria said...

Congratulations! That is great! Perfect timing too.