It's either feast or famine around here! We were lucky enough to have another Family visit the end of June. Kenz, Dellah, Mom and Dad came. We have a fun day playing at Lava

We went for a walk, Loa was lagging behind and Papa helped her catch up!
The kids had lots of fun play time together!
We roasted hot dogs! Kenz told me Dellah didn't like hot dogs and probably wouldn't eat one. We roasted her up one and she downed the whole thing....I guess Aunt Lib's hot dogs are just better ;)
We also got a tour of the Soda power plant!
And we got to Celebrate Linq's Birthday a few days early...technically we should've been celebrating Kenz's birthday too but Linq stole the show!
All in all we had a great time, and are always happy to have visitors!