School started and part of me wishes laex was on his way BUT at the same time, I LOVE that our summer ISN'T over :) AND that we can continue to come and go as we please --it's really kinda nice :)
Little Missy ROCKED her 4 month check up - 26 1/2 inches, over 14 pounds and growing :) She tried her first bananas and loved them but wasn't so good at keeping them in :)
Laex continues with his FAVORITE summer activity --SWIMMING! He's such a dare devil it freaks me out sometimes! We had forgotten his life jacket when we went to his buddy's b-day party at the pool luckily someone had some extra arm floaties we borrowed. It was his first time using them and he headed straight for the diving board - not surprising - he jumped it and swam himself to the side without incident :) then his dad taught him to do sumer-saults off the side of the pool - ahhhhh, oh well! He also thinks he's buzz lightyear and jumps in to the pool with his arms outstretched while yelling, "To Insinivy and Beyond" -LOL (we're working on in-fin-ity) he also runs around the house thinking he can fly. Then the other day I caught him doing "skateboarding tricks" on his scooter - holy crap, where does he learn these things - LOL!
PS - I haven't been very good at taking pictures, BUT our garden IS producing and I.LOVE.IT - we even had our first WATERMELON - doesn't look like much but tasted GREAT!
On a side note I'm working on TWO really BIG PROJECTS ( I know, I never slow down...) - one is totally physically exhausting, I hope I make it - but I'm excited about the challenge!