All those days of enduring as a "single Mom" while LeGrand worked like crazy, really paid off! On Wednesday the 9th I met him for lunch where he proceeded to tell me that I was to meet my mom the next day to drop off the kids and we would be on a early morning flight Friday the 11th (my B-day) headed to New Jersey! --
{{A little background: I consider NJ my second home, I only actually lived there for 1 year but I can easily say that I remember more of that year of my life than any other. The twins I nannied became like my own and I also gained a new set of parents --Well, the twins turned 13 on June 14th, and in the Jewish Faith this is a big deal, I mean BIG DEAL as they were celebrating their B'nei Mitzvah (Bar Mitzvah for the boy, Bat Mitzvah for the Girl) --we had received an invite to all of the events months ago which I threw in the trash knowing that attending the event wasn't likely with a 2 month old, not to mention the cost --even though I really wanted to go}}
Unbeknownst to me, LeGrand has been communicating with my Nanny Mom and planning this surprise since April, I was CLUELESS! And when he told me this was happening I couldn't believe it - in his words to Laexin, "For the First time ever Mom is Speechless" and Speechless I was! WOW ! What an amazing husband to do such a thing - I'm Lucky, what can I say!
So, my 27th Birthday was HUGE!We were on our way to NJ, with a small layover in Dallas.
We arrived in Newark in time to pick up a car and head to Paramus where we stayed in the Marriott.
Then to Dinner at The Manor in West Orange (This is a place I was able to go to twice as a nanny - All-You-Can-Eat Seafood, mostly Lobster mmMMM!) - so fun to be able to take LeGrand there!

Saturday the 12th we hit the City before the B'nei Mitzvah festivities began.
I couldn't be THAT close and not step foot in NYC.

With a limited amount of time, we pretty much took a "food tour"
Katz Deli - BEST pastrami EVER!

The Dumpling House - Can't believe I was there only a few months ago (4 dumplings= $1)

Rays Pizza - NYC isn't NYC without some greasy, best Pizza you'll ever have!

A little China Town
A subway ride

A jaunt uptown

And back to NJ
Shopped a bit
Got ready and hit the first of the Celebrations - the "Young Adult Party" held right in Franklin Lakes (My old Stomping grounds :) ) - at the Indian Trail Club --Super Yummy Food, and LOTS of it - Appetizers when we arrived followed by Dancing, Candle Lighting Presentation, Video Montage and Dinner served at 10:00 pm - we left around 10:45 and the party was still in full swing!

Sunday June 13th
Breakfast on a bagel - you'll only find it this good in Jersey!

To the Temple for the BIG Ceremony which was 85% in Hebrew
Then the Reception Luncheon that followed
Lots of food (once again) only this time it was Kosher - LeGrand experienced his first Kosher meal and learned quickly that he would probably starve to death if he had to eat Kosher :) -it's that good!

More Dancing, including their traditional dance where they lift the Twins in the air and bounce them around on their chair - quite amusing :) and dance in circles.

More candle lighting and presentation {this is all of their Nannies and Au Pairs that attended}

More video Montage

Then we left - it was as much celebration as we could handle :)
We took a drive so I could reminisce about the "good 'ol days" then stopped by the Weinbergs where we got to chat with the Twins and Gale and Marty - that place holds lots of great memories for me!
Back to the Motel around 7:00 and packed and in bed for another early morning!
Monday Jun 14th
Returned the car
Back to Newark Airport and on our flight home with another small layover in Dallas
Then picked up the kids half-way from my Mom and made it home by 8:45!
Wowser! Such an awesome experience and fun trip, best Surprise/ B-day of my life - only LeGrand could pull that off! What a stud!